More about health problems men face as they age.
THIS article continues the series on hormone-related problems in the adult and ageing male. In the previous articles, I wrote about the declining levels of HGH (human growth hormone/somatotropin) and testosterone, causing overall ageing (somatopause) and male menopause (andropause).
Together, the low levels of these hormones are the main causes of ageing of the brain (dementia, poorer cognitive functions), heart (artherosclerosis, weakened heart), bones (osteopenia or osteoporosis), sexual system (loss of libido and function), skin (thinning, dryness, sagging, and loss of elasticity), and possibly all other organs and tissues, since the hormones influence the functioning of almost all cells.
If you want to avoid being among those who suffer in old age, then you must understand what ageing does to your body, so that you can take the necessary precautions and actions. Foremost among these are leading a healthy lifestyle, having a healthy nutrient-dense diet (with nutritional supplements as required), maintaining a healthy weight, doing sufficient exercise, optimising your hormones, managing stress, avoiding injuries, and avoiding serious infections.
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